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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Before BacOut and After BacOut

I have to use it if I'm going to sell it, right?

So last night, as I was pulling diapers from my Planet Wise wet bag, I sprayed them each down with some BacOut before I threw them in the washer. I did my normal warm rinse cycle, but paused it when I thought maybe there was a little extra water in the washer so they could soak a bit...also so I could go take a shower.

Then I continued my normal wash routine: Whitest Whites cycle with a Prewash and Extra Rinse with about 2 1/2 T of Eco Sprout. Normally I do one more rinse cycle on warm, but this morning I did a full wash cycle, a short cycle, without soap for an extra good rinsing.

Well, here are some pictures:

 This is a microfiber insert from a BumGenius 3.0 that I've had for 18months. I don't use these often because they just never look or feel clean. Plus, I'm not a fan of the hook and loop closures on the covers or pockets in general. Remember, I sprayed this and put it directly into the wash.

And here it is afterwards! Not perfect, but SO much better. These inserts probably need to be soaked for an extended period, but I was impressed. 

Now, on this next one, I know you are going to question me because the before picture and after pictures are of different diapers. I cannot apologize enough for that. My husband came home at lunch to grab more diapers to take to daycare. I shoved a bunch in a bag and kept one to photograph for this post. But I swear to you, they all look the same now. 

So, here is the before. This is a BumGenius Elemental that again, I've had for 18 months. Normally, I can sun my stains out, but the winter sun just hasn't been enough to help. This is what they look like WET! But they don't look much better after they've been washed.

And here's the after shot! Again, not perfect, but for being sprayed and thrown in the wash, I can't complain.

So there you have it. A super quick review of my last minute experiment with some BacOut.

This week's Monday Match-Up, which I posted on Monday, is a full 32 oz bottle of BacOut, with the spray nozzle and 2 packs of RLR shipped for free at $17.00. No code needed, just put this in your shopping cart and you'll be set!

Please note that any additional items added to your cart will incur shipping costs, but based solely on those item. So if you add 1 more pack of RLR, you'll be charged $2 shipping. But since our FREE SHIPPING threshold is $25, you won't have far to go to meet that.

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