I feel like I've done this post before, but I don't see it, so what the heck, I'll tell you about my family, why we do what we do and how we got to this point.
John and I (Erica) met in college in Northeast Nebraska. I guess we met once before I remember meeting, so that tells you who made a bigger impression. LOL. Anyway, it took us awhile to go from acquaintances to dating, and then things moved pretty fast and slow at the same time. We got engaged on Christmas morning 2001, were married July 27, 2002 at the age of 21 and moved into our new apartment, in Nashville, TN August 2nd! We were newly weds, he was living somewhere other than his parents home, and 10 hours away from the closest family member all within a weeks time. It was nuts.
We finished our educations in Nashville and started our family. Funny story: I wanted to have kids right away but he wanted to wait 5 years. We are about 99% positive that our first child was conceived while we were on our vacation, celebrating our 5th anniversary. I guess that's the accountant in him. At the time our first daughter, Elizabeth, was born John was working in the Finance Department at the college we both had graduated from and Erica was working in the Music Industry, from a home office, but also continuing education by earning a Paralegal Certification.
Before Elizabeth was born, I had every intention of using cloth diapers and breatfeeding her. I also had planned on having a natural labor and delivery or at least holding off on the epidural as long as I could. Well, things didn't work out like I planned.
At 36 weeks, my OB told me that my blood pressure was beginning to concern her and that she thought inducing at 37 weeks would be the best option. OK. Sure. You're the Dr., you should know. We got to the hospital at 11:55pm on March 30th, they made us wait until midnight, and then we checked in. We got the standard "you're being induced in a hospital" treatment. Sometime in the middle of the night, I was checked and had made it to 3cm. At that point, I was asked, for about the 100th time, if I was ready for my epidural. I told the nurse I'd like to wait as long as I could. Her response was "If you are up all night with contractions, you'll be too tired to push and end up having to have a C-Section." Scared the CRAP out of me, so I said I'd take it. I then felt nothing, absolutely nothing. Our beautiful, healthy little girl was born at 5:35pm. I had a small episiotomy, which I kinda felt being performed, but that was about it. I then felt nothing in my left leg for 48 hours. I was stuck in that bed, no shower, no walks, for 3 days. It was horrible. But do I regret it? No. I have a beautiful, almost 4 year old, little girl.
I had NO clue about cloth diapers and since none of our friends had kids, no one to ask, so I ended up using disposables. I tried them all...and have an opinion about them all. I wish we had been able to use cloth, or had the time to do more research. But do I regret using disposables? Nope. Again, healthy little girl.
Breastfeeding didn't go well either. We struggled with latch, multiple "consultants" and visits to the pediatrician. They gave me a nipple shield in the hospital and then 2 weeks later told me that I should be pumping because using it would prevent my supply from being what it should be. For 3 and a half weeks I was a wreck. Our 6#7oz little girl was losing weight and I felt it was all my fault. For awhile, every hour, on the hour, I was either nursing, pumping or feeding her a bottle. At that point, we had to start supplementing with formula and eventually, I gave in. I wish it had gone differently, but again, I have no regrets.
In January of 2010, we found out we were expecting our 2nd kiddo. This time I was determined to do things differently, the way I wanted to, regardless of anyone else's opinions. I had already been seeing a Certified Nurse Midwife for my annual exams, so using her for prenatal and L&D was a no-brainer. She's amazing, honestly and completely amazing! If you're in the Norfolk, NE area, Gail Consoli...look her up, use her! She's at
Midwest Health Partners. I also hired a doula to help me with the process.
I purchased 12 BumGenius 3.0s during a buy 5 get 1 free sale and 12 BG Elementals to start my Cloth Stash. I'm pretty sure I had them, prepped, and ready to go before I was even showing. LOL. I already had my pump and bottles and all the other baby stuff, all I needed was the baby.
On September 16th, I went in for a pedicure and then to my 36 1/2 wk check up. I was 3 1/2 cm at my appointment! I had no idea I was even in labor. All day I had contractions. John was super busy at work with audits and I wasn't to expect him home before 9:00. Around 8:00, I called and told him he needed to come home because I "though" I was in real labor. Around 10:00 I started having really long contractions that prevented me from feeling the baby move, so we decided to run into town and get checked. Family loaded up and off we went. Gail just happened to already be in the hospital so she got me settled. Again, I was thinking check and then go home. She told me I was staying. Elizabeth hung out with us until about 2am when John's grandma came to get her. It was about 2:30 when I guess I hit the transition phase and things finally started to get painful. But I can't complain because by 4:38 I was holding my beautiful little Isabelle. Completely drug free, I was ready for a shower by 6:30! Completely different experience.
We went home the next day in disposable diapers because my One Size diapers were HUGE on the poor little 6#8oz baby girl.We quickly learned that the DryMax Chemicals in Pampers were burning her little bum and my mother purchased us 24
Diaper Rite Prefolds and 4
Bummis Super Whisper Wraps. LIFE SAVERS!!!! We do disposable diapers from time to time. I'm not going to lie. Sometimes it's just easier.
Breastfeeding went much better this time. She latched on immediately. Ok, wait, I lied just a little. The first 6 weeks were HELL. We had thrush, which got into my breast tissue and I had to take 4 doses of Diflucan to treat it. This actually happened to us twice. Before we knew what the problem was, I would have panic attacks, bawling uncontrollably at the thought of having to nurse her. Once we figured out the thrush, it was smooth sailing. Our daughter, at 17months, has has maybe 12 bottles. We are just now weaning. I would have liked to wean her sooner, but I've treasured our nursing relationship.
I'll continue with a post next week about how our cloth diapering journey, preferences and business came to be what it is today...and them maybe in another week or so, I'll let you know where I'd like to be.
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Erica & John
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